This office manager is ready to take over your workplace

This office manager is ready to take over your workplace

A young and dynamic individual is looking for a place in your company. He has the qualifications and needs your help in getting employed! 

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Listen to Thulani's #30secCV or read the details under the podcast: 

He’s just qualified and has his N4 to N6 in Management Assistance through Elangeni FET, which includes communication and office administration. He’s looking for any work in Admin, HR, or Office Management. He’s young, friendly, and motivated to succeed.

If you want to meet and interview Thulani for your business and potentially offer him a position, then send a request to [email protected] and we’ll put you in touch!

East Coast Radio (ECR) accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage of any nature whatsoever that maybe be caused or brought about, directly or indirectly, by the recruitment of an individual from the #30SecondCV or reliance on any information contained in the feature. While every effort is made to keep the information up to date and correct, ECR does not accept any liability for reliance placed on information from this feature in the absence of confirmation.

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