Flying high: Sizwe is on a journey to achieve his dreams

Flying high: Sizwe is on a journey to achieve his dreams

Sizwe Khawula had many challenges on his journey to become a professional pilot but he is still determined as ever to achieve his goal.

sizwe pic keri
Sizwe / PHOTO: Keri Miller

It all started when he had a dream as a little boy, watching airplanes across the sky which ignited a flame inside of Sizwe, and it never died. He has put his dream into motion to become a commercial pilot but has been halted due to the lack of funding.

Working in a production line at a Cup-a-Soup factory by day, he tries to live out his dream of being a pilot by night. Sizwe is determined to achieve his goals.

"I wondered how I was going to chase my dream and take care of my responsibilities," he said.

The first time he was on a plane was when he started his lessons. He recently put his studies on hold due to the lack of finances, but now believes its time to finish what he started.

"I believe no matter what, I'm going to finish this course," said Sizwe.

Listen to our interview with Sizwe below.

To donate towards Sizwe's dream, click the Back a Buddy link here. Maybe we can help make Sizwe's dream come true.

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