Darren rants over Keri and Sky's lack of research on the show

Darren rants over Keri and Sky's lack of research on the show

We don't know about you, but it seems as though Darren is gatvol this year already...

Darren Maule
East Coast Radio

The Breakfast team has a #5Things feature every morning where each host shares a story or two that caught their attention. 

The team shares any news story from entertainment, politics, science, health, weather reports, sports - you name it!

READ: Darren Maule's love life in three words

But things went a little south on Wednesday morning when Darren Maule started attacking Keri and Sky for not doing their research prior to sharing their stories of the day, while the #5Things feature was live on air. He indirectly called Keri's story boring and told her to do better. Mr Maule was like a school teacher who was disappointed in his students for not doing their research prior to doing their assignment. 

LISTEN: Darren Maule opens up about his drug-fueled past

Could it be that he is very excited about a very important event in world history that is about to take place that he went a little overboard on the happy pill? Or is one of his new year's resolutions to call out his fellow hosts for 'slacking'? 

Listen to the podcast to hear it all:

WATCH: Darren and Mouse sing their hearts out

IMAGE CREDIT: East Coast Radio

Catch up with moments from the latest edition of Darren, Keri, and Sky below:

Show's Stories