Aunty Shamilla shows you how to work out and clean the house

Aunty Shamilla shows you how to work out and clean the house

Aunty Shamilla is tired of seeing all these workout videos doing the rounds... as they are not contributing to cleaning the house!

shamilia 2
Screenshot: Facebook: Prev Reddy

It's day 13 of South Africa's lockdown and Aunty Shamilla wants to see more people doing housework while struggling through their daily exercise routine.

She has now created new ways in which you can do both!

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Exercise 1 - Sit-ups are very popular for working your core and abdominal areas. Add furniture polish and a cloth to that and you can work your whole upper body.

Exercise 2 - Inward bicycle kicks are mainly helpful in building your thighs. Aunty Shamilla thinks scrubbing the floors while doing the kicks will give you clean floors and a great workout.

Exercise 3 - Squatting is all about targeting your thighs and firming your butt. You can do all this while washing the windows, too.

Exercise 4 - For the last exercise, use the boxing technique when you wash the dishes and someone comes to create a mess in the kitchen again.

READ: Beat the lockdown blues with these fun family activities

Watch here: 

My mother is exhausted by seeing all the workout routines being posted online, after getting a call from Julia at Relentless Boxing, she decided to give Home Workouts a new meaning🙂

Posted by Prev Reddy on Monday, April 6, 2020

Forget all this! Rather join 'Move with Keri' from 10.30 am - 11:00 am to help you keep fit the normal way.

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