Ladysmith man who has COVID-19 charged with attempted murder

Ladysmith man who has COVID-19 charged with attempted murder

Police say a Ladysmith man who tested positive for the coronavirus has been charged with attempted murder - for exposing dozens of people after he failed to self-quarantine.

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The 52-year-old man was arrested yesterday. He is now in quarantine in hospital.

National SAPS spokesperson, Vish Naidoo says they received information about the man yesterday - and have been told he's come into contact with nearly 30 people.

It's understood he travelled to a number of countries and returned to South Africa last week Wednesday.

Naidoo says after he tested positive - the man was instructed to immediately quarantine himself at home for 14 days.

READ: South Africa reports 155 new coronavirus cases

He says the man ignored this directive and carried on running his salon business.

Naidoo says the Health Department is trying to trace the people who were in his salon - and also at a religious gathering he attended.

The man has been charged for contravening the regulations in terms of the National Disaster Act - pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic.

His case has been postponed while he recovered from the virus - and to avoid infecting others.

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