Capetonian car guard goes beyond the call of duty

Capetonian car guard goes beyond the call of duty

There are really good people in the world and it's so important to highlight a good deed when it happens. 

Car guard

As South Africans, we tend to complain a lot. And very often we think the worst of everyone around us.

A lady in Cape Town took to Facebook to share how her faith in humanity was restored and why we love our beautiful South Africa so much.

Kerryn Marsden was shopping over the weekend and had left her car keys in her car! It could have been taken by anyone while she was in the mall.

See: Police officer goes beyond call of duty for this mom


Here's her post!

Well done, Joseph! You are an example of what it means to be South African.

Do you have a story of an amazing South African? Send it to me on [email protected].

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