Dad accidentally records wrong girl on daughter's graduation day

Dad accidentally records wrong girl on daughter's graduation day

If there was an award for epic dad fail of the year, this dad might just win it!

dad graduation

Your child's graduation is probably one of the most momentous and precious days in your life as a parent. And naturally, you would want to capture the moment on video. However, for one dad from the UK, things didn't work out quite as planned.

Read: Carol and Ricky chat to the youngest University music graduate ever!

Ah, shame man! After watching this, I think everyone should cut this dad some slack. In a room filled with black and red, you can imagine how difficult it must have been trying to single out his daughter. Too funny! 

According to Indian Express, this dad was so excited to film his daughter, Georgia Wilde, on her graduation that he accidentally started filming the wrong girl. When his daughter walked past they all burst out laughing and he says he 'got carried away'. Shame, the emotions just took over and you can't blame him - being a proud dad and all! 

What's even more hilarious is that his daughter was graduating with a filmmakers degree. I wonder who needed the degree more - her or her dad? Ha! 

Read: Father tries to steal the thunder at his daughter's wedding

In my experience, dads (as in father over the age of 60) and technology are not great friends. My dad still can't grasp Twitter and asks me why would I want people to follow me? 

After countless conversations trying to explain Instagram (like Facebook but only with pictures), Snapchat, and Twitter, we have both agreed that we won't go through the technology and social media chat again.

Have you ever experienced an hilarious situation where your parents collided with technology and it went wrong?

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