Japanese man swallows a bowl full of razor blades

Japanese man swallows a bowl full of razor blades

This is just insane! What exactly is his stomach made of?! Warning: Please do not try this at home.

man swallows blades

If you have ever watched the popular television show Britain's Got Talent, you would know that hopefuls go to extreme lengths to impress the judges.

Read: Talented German dancer goes viral after recording himself

One hopeful, who flew in all the way from Japan, decided that he would impress the judges by performing a set of stomach-churning acts which had the audience gasping for air and covering their eyes.

His set starts off with ingesting a balloon - which seemed a bit weird, but nevertheless, he proceeded. He then proceeded to bring out the big guns by swallowing a bowl full of razor blades. What?!

Both the audience and the judges were left shocked and amazed by his 'talent'. Thankfully he was not injured in the process as he has mastered his craft. However, it is quite a risky thing to do and to put yourself at risk like that is just insane!

Read: This dancer has Got Talent!

Warning: Please do not try this at home.

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