Brave dog saves friend from drowning

Brave dog saves friend from drowning

Give that dog a treat! 

dog rescues friend

It’s amazing how dogs have the ability to show emotion during stressful situations. 

Read: New study shows that dogs love listening to reggae

A video has emerged of two doggy friends playing by the Yuspe River in Argentina when one of the dogs is pulled in by the river's strong current.

Just when you think all is lost, his buddy, the other dog, uses his force to grab hold of the drowning pup’s stick and yank him up to safety. Yay! 

Read: Dog is finally unchained after 15 years

Critics have spoken up saying that the dog was just after the stick all along. Either way, he’s still a hero for saving his buddy from being washed away - and that’s what counts.

Take a look at the footage below:

Source: Dog Saves Friend from Drowning by ViralHog on Rumble

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