Motherhood: “I do not want to be a mother every day”

Motherhood: “I do not want to be a mother every day”

A mother on social media has caused quite the controversy, with some applauding her honesty and others dragging her for even expressing her honest feelings.

Crying baby and mom
Instagram/ @herholisticpath/

Jane opens up about her motherhood journey, and what it's like to have three children she has to nurture and develop into strong adults; 

No one teaches you how to love a child you didn't plan to have. No one shows you how to traverse the emotional complexity of loving a child you weren't happy about being pregnant with. It's even more difficult at those times when they're having tantrums and pushing you to a point of emotional exhaustion. ... It's confusing. When the same people who told you that you pretty much ruined your life are smiling ear to ear at your baby shower a few months later. It's hard.. Looking at a beautiful baby and being bogged down by the thoughts of how you will take care of them and how much life will change. It's so easy.. To project the pain of your wounded inner child onto your baby. It is the lethal cycle of undealth with trauma. ... This stage of motherhood has forced me to look at my reflection in my daughter's eyes and realize that no I don't enjoy being a mother all the time, but this child has been the catalyst for major growth. She is the mirror that allows me to look into my past and see the fears still controlling me now. ... When we heal our deepest pains we are speaking to our ancestors across the space time illusion and holding a cross-generational conversation within our dna that heals old wounds and rectifies long lost problems. Motherhood hasn't just healed me it's healed the mother's that came before me. ... The reality is I don't want to be a mother everyday. I don't want to feel held back from chasing my dreams and goals. I don't want to be exhausted. But I KNOW this little girl has brought me face to face with things that would have otherwise been ignored in my bubble of childless freedom. ... Dear mama, who is going through an unplanned pregnancy, don't feel guilty, don't feel afraid, don't feel ashamed. That baby chose YOU to be it's mothers at the perfect time. Surrender to the journey of unpredictability and let this new being show you a whole new part of yourself you didn't know was there. 🦋#takebackpostpartum #thefourthtrimester #motherhoodunplugged #birthofamama #blackmomsblog #milenialmom

A post shared by Olivyah (@herholisticpath) on

Mom-of-two Olivyah shares very candidly that she didn’t plan to have her child and thus has to deal with the difficulty of loving this child as if she was happy to conceive her. She openly shares how this is particularly difficult on days that she is emotionally exhausted and the child throws endless tantrums.

Read: 8 tips to help you survive the first few days of motherhood

At first glance, the post appears as if this she is disowning her children and shaming them. However, as you read her very intimate post it reveals a truth that many moms may be able to relate to AND that being a mom is not easy! 

Let's face it, there are those days you wish you could get a ‘pass,' BUT we put on a brave face because we dare not utter such conversations for the outside world to hear.

There are indeed days when I feel like I can't cope and the overwhelming feeling grabs me by the throat, and it's hard to breathe.

Read: Five teen moms share their teenage motherhood experiences

Parenting is the hardest and, at times, scariest job ever, yet it is also the most gratifying job on planet earth, and even when I have a rough day in the saddle, there is nothing that soothes a mother's heart after a rough day than a cuddle, close touch or tender moment with her little one.

Moms, we're asking you to be brave here. Do you or someone you know have moments like Olivyah's and how are you able to come back from such moments?

Let's support each other and help out fellow moms grow on this journey. x

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