Little boy is full of questions during shopping outing

Little boy is full of questions during shopping outing

Watching this video will make you understand why moms sometimes go shopping by themselves. Hilarious!

moms shop alone

This footage made me giggle. I was browsing my newsfeed when I came across this little boy and I couldn't stop laughing after watching it.

Read: Hysterical and contagious laughing kid will make your day

The video shows a mom shopping with her son who simply can't stop asking questions about a certain item that he supposedly saw his mother using 'at the old house'. Haha!

Shopping with kids should be illegal. Not only because they try and acquire sweets and toys, and stick their hands into the bread slicer, but also because they slow the process down. 

Read: Single parents share tips on how to raise kids on your own

Yes, I agree that shopping should be a teachable moment, but that's a more realistic idea when you have one kid to shop with at a time. When you have three kids like I do who run in different directions, then it's a completely different story.

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