‘Drunk’ policeman in uniform seen fighting in public

‘Drunk’ policeman in uniform seen fighting in public

This type of behavior is absolutely disgraceful!

drunk man in uniform

If I was a member of SAPS, I would be enraged watching this. It's people like this that tarnish the good work the guys and girls in uniform do for us daily.

Video footage has been doing the rounds showing a man in police uniform appearing to be drunk and fighting another man. The location of the footage is unknown. All we do know is that it happened in front of a shop while other people were standing around laughing.

Read: Man stops street fight with...Pizza!

This man should hand over his badge immediately. This behavior is a disgrace.

The other day I was pulled over for talking on my phone while driving and was fined. The very next day the same police officer drove past me speaking on his phone.

Not cool that there are double standards. There used to be a time where I felt safe in the company of uniforms, but footage like this makes me hesitant.

Check out the video below and share your thoughts in the comments section below. 

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