Burn victim refuses surgery as she loves her scars

Burn victim refuses surgery as she loves her scars

This lady is proud of her scars and wants to show them off.

burn lady thumbnail
Alyssa McDonald/Caters

I am so inspired by this woman's courage and bravery in a world run by Photoshop and touch ups.

Can you imagine the pain this girl felt?! Alyssa McDonald was burnt by scorching hot butter when she was just a little toddler.

Read: Girl shares VERY painful face mask peel on Twitter

She was rushed into surgery and doctors thought she wasn’t going to pull through, but she did. She was humiliated by many at school over the years.

The incident saw her have over 100 surgeries. She has now made peace with her scars and doesn't want to walk the road of any further theatre time.

She says she wears her physical scars like diamonds, even saying that her scars bring out her personality.

This story makes me feel a little self-absorbed as I sometimes have superficial wishes like if my tummy was flatter, legs were leaner, and so on.

What a shining beacon she is. Take a look at pictures of Alyssa below:

Alyssa McDonald 1
Alyssa McDonald/Caters
Alyssa McDonald 2
Alyssa McDonald/Caters

Listen below as listeners share how they feel about their scars:

Do you have any scars? If so, how do you feel about them? Share your comments below. 

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