Bald prankster gets one over his barber with fake wig

Bald prankster gets one over his barber with wig

Watch this bald prankster trick his barber into cutting and styling his very cheap wig. 

bald guy
caters clips / youtube

What a prankster! I love that this guy took the time and effort to put this prank into place. When I've had one too many glasses of wine I am hard pressed to get off the couch, let alone put a full planned laugh into motion.

When watching this, my first thought was oh-boy we can all identify with a haircut gone bad. You know the deal, you take in a picture reference, maybe back in the day it was the trendy Jen-from-Friends-bob, and then you look up after a few brutal cuts and your hair sits too short. 

You hate it. You cry in the car on the way home and wonder how you will ever survive. Ha!

Do you have a hair dressing horror story?

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