Powerful poem by three inspirational young women.

These three young women will not be quiet!

This needs to be listened to, shared and spoken about.

young poets

Depending on where you stand, whether you are in an RDP house, in a crumbling shack in the shadow of a manicured suburb,  or a big house in a gated estate, depending on whether you are working in an office with stable income, cleaning someone else's house, or going through someone's garbage, the problems we face are experienced very differently, and the solutions to them are perceived very differently. 

One this is common though, we need courage, compassion and empathy. We also need to stand up and speak. Speak truth to power, to prejudice, to fear. 

These young women in America performed the most remarkable poem on live TV.  Belissa Escobedo, Rhiannon McGavin, and Zariya Allen, members of the Get Lit organization performed "Somewhere in America" on the Queen Latifah show. 

Words do have power! This video is inspirational and powerful!   

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