Why are people protesting against 2016's most romantic movie?

Why are people protesting against 2016's most romantic movie?

Romantic novel-turned-blockbuster movie, Me Before You, has cinema goers bawling, but it seems some people are crying foul over its depiction of disabled people. 


Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke wowed audiences with her portrayal of Louisa ‘Lou’ Clark, a woman in her twenties whose life changes when she starts taking care of a wealthy man who became quadriplegic after a motorbike accident.

But the touching tale has disability rights advocates up in arms.

Disability groups around the world plan to protest against the movie this week, criticising it for perpetuating negative media stereotypes about disabled people.

Major spoiler alert!

The movie deals with the assisted suicide/euthanasia of its lead male character, Will Traynor.

He chose to end his life after battling to come to terms with his disability.

Some protesters have slammed the movie for what they call “romanticising a death wish”, while others are less than impressed with the mention of Dignitas, a Swiss death clinic that helps people with legal assisted suicides.

Disability rights groups are also upset with the movie’s portrayal of people living with significant disabilities.

“Book and screenplay author JoJo Moyes admits she knows nothing about quadriplegics, yet her ignorance is allowed to promote the idea that people like me are better off dead. We are not ‘burdens’ whose best option is to commit suicide. No one’s suicide should be treated noble and inspirational. We reject this discrimination. Our suicides should be viewed as a tragedy like anyone else’s,” John Kelly, regional director of New England’s Not Dead Yet, told Silver City Sun-News. 

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