WTF on East Coast Drive: Rory did something embarrassing

WTF on East Coast Drive: Rory did something embarrassing

Rory is training for Comrades Marathon and learned the hard way never to eat a curry the night before a long run. 

WTF on East Coast Drive

Rory is training for his first ever Comrades Marathon and this means long, long runs early in the morning.

It also means having to watch what you eat the night before these long runs.

Read: Forty days until Comrades Marathon: Rory reflects on his decision

So, with all of this in mind, it probably was not the best idea to have a curry the night before a long run.

It probably also was not a good idea to add chilies to that curry the night before a long run.

Take a listen to what happened to Rory right here and let us know if you can relate.

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