Would you ever consider giving a beer to your dog?

Would you ever consider giving a beer to your dog?

The internet is divided by this latest product. What do you think about beer for dogs? Yay or Nay?

cute dog pexels

Dogs are man's best friend and dog owners can now do just about anything with their dogs - even drink beer with them! 

Read: Dogs tune in to watch dog show

Yes, you read right. Forget the dog treats, now you can buy your dog a case of beer. The plus to all of this is that you don't have to worry about drinking alone ever again. Crazy, right? 

Read: Warning: Do not touch this dog's birthday cake!

Another 'plus' to this beer is that it does not have alcohol in it and is filled with all sorts of vitamins, which are actually good for your dog. Have you ever?! 

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