Woman steals pizza delivery car

Woman steals pizza delivery car

What appears to be a woman taking a walk turns into a woman stealing a delivery car. Okay, that's not strange at all...

Woman stealing car

If you thought theft was a man's game, think again!

A rather bizarre video has gone viral on social media of a woman who appears to be a passerby, but turns into a thief. The woman was caught on a CCTV camera stealing a pizza delivery car. 

Read: Train passengers order pizza after being stranded for three hours

The video footage shows a seemingly harmless woman walking past a building. Shortly after, a delivery car pulls up and a pizza guy hops out to make a delivery. Then the woman who had just walked past the building returns, takes a peak through the window and sees the key hanging in the ignition, so she jumps right in and drives off. 

Read: Pizza guy’s epic wheelie fail caught on camera

Needless to say, this woman figured that it would be quicker to drive than to carry on walking.

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