What's the craziest thing that's happened to you while travelling?

What's the craziest thing that's happened to you while travelling?

Bongani is about to go overseas for the very first time this weekend, and his excitement is off the charts! But so are his nerves...

Flight flying plane air trave, Pexels, Josh Sorenson, https://www.pexels.com/photo/flight-flying-plane-air-travel-59519/

Listen to the discussion, or read the details under the podcast.

Read: 7 Tips every solo traveller should know

Bongani's worried about all the things that could go wrong, like: 

  1. Missing his flight home.

  2. Losing his passport

  3. Losing his luggage

  4. Getting lost in America

  5. Packing the wrong clothes

  6. Language (accent) barrier

Have any of these things ever happened to you? 

Bongani and Mags ask: what is the craziest thing that's happened to you while travelling? Let us know below.

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