What is your relationship with your hair like?

What is your relationship with your hair like?

We've all gone through different stages of loving and hating our appearance -and hair is one of those physical traits we've played around with, but one which doesn't always play along...

hair / pexels

Listen to the discussion, or read the details under the podcast.

Bongani wants to speak to women... about hair.

Coloured family friends of his have three daughters; two have naturally straight hair and the other one spends hours and hours trying to straighten her hair. 

Chatting to the girl with curly hair, Bongani learned the struggles she had growing up with this type of hair. Poor girl!

Read: Cast of 'Love Lives Here' movie chats to East Coast Coast Drive

What is your relationship with hair like? What would you change if you could?

Main image courtesy of Gratisography

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