Do you secretly wish someone you know would fail?

Do you secretly wish someone you know would fail?

Mags secretly got excited about her friend's husband’s business failing, and she wants to know if you have also ever felt the suspense and anticipation of waiting for someone you know to fail?

Fake, Twenty20,

Listen to Bongani and Mags talk about jealousy, or read the details under the podcast.

There's actually a word to describe this emotion, further legitimising its existence: 'Schadenfreude'. According to the dictionary, it is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another.

Honestly speaking, envy is actually a very natural feeling, more especially when it's with regards to someone whose path you're no longer aligned with.

Read: Bongani admits to being jealous of Rory

Be honest, have you ever quietly felt excited about someone else's failure, whether an ex or even an ex-best friend? What was the failure?

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