Boyfriend pulls a 'hot', cruel prank on his girlfriend

Boyfriend pulls a 'hot', cruel prank on his girlfriend

If there was an award for the 'world's worst boyfriend', this guy would definitely win it, don't you think?

HammyTV / YouTube
HammyTV / YouTube

We all enjoy long baths after a long day, and occasionally add bath bombs or bath salts to enhance the experience. 

YouTuber HammyTV had a few tricks up his sleeves to 'spice things up' with his girlfriend. He thought it would be a good idea to prank his girlfriend by adding hot sauce to her bath bombs. 

While she thought she was going to try out a few of the latest bath bombs on the market, her boyfriend had a spicier plan in mind. 

Read: Girl gets a special surprise in bath bomb

The video shows the boyfriend handing her the bath bombs that have been laced with chilli extract. Seconds later, the girlfriend starts running her bath to try them out. Little did she know what was going to happen.

Once the bombs go off, she notices that they smell nothing like the roses and cinnamon they are supposed to. She gets out the tub in a frenzy once the hot sauce starts making her itch and scratch. 

Read: Girlfriend pulls off cruel prank on boyfriend

Could this be the cruelest prank ever? Guess he would have a lot of explaining to do after this stunt?

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