Guy's encounter with a rattlesnake will send shivers down your spine

Guy's encounter with a rattlesnake will send shivers down your spine

Have you ever watched a video of something and literally sat on the edge of your seat? Well, this video will have you clinging to the edge of your seat!

Nick The Wrangler/Facebook
Nick The Wrangler/Facebook

Someone sent me a video on Thursday and I left it in my inbox all day.

I've seen a ton of videos, so when I saw this one that said "open if you dare and be prepared to be scared...", I thought to myself, 'Ja, ja.. whatever'.

See: Parents find snake in their child's car seat

So last night as I was about to doze off I thought I'd look at the video.

Oh. My. Word.

If I tell you what this video is about, it's going to give away the reason it's so terrifying, so all I'm going to say is this...

See: Can you spot the snake?

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