Daredevil couple's quest for the perfect selfie will leave you in awe!

Daredevil couple's quest for the perfect selfie will leave you in awe!

Woah! This takes the phrase 'taking love to new heights' to a whole new level.

russian couple selfie

How far would you go to take the perfect selfie? We've met those brave individuals who stand on top of chairs and even tables to make sure they get their friends in the snap, but would you climb a crane to get the perfect shot? 

Read: Are these selfies real or doctored?

Well, a Russian couple did just that and the results are leaving many speechless. They decided to scale a crane in Hong Kong with no safety harness or equipment - just with their bare hands (and a selfie stick, of course). The couple is known by many to share their dangerous selfies atop skyscrapers in various parts of the world.

Read: Russian daredevil performs death-defying stunts

The photos on the Instagram stars' profiles are enough to make anyone jealous. So while many of us are sitting at work in front of our computers, this couple is traveling the world and sharing their spectacular photos for the world to see. 

#CoupleGoals for sure, don't you think?

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