Stock sells out after son’s ‘sad doughnut owner” tweet

Stock sells out after son’s ‘sad doughnut owner” tweet

A Texas man has gone viral after his son posted about his shop being empty.

billy donuts

 A viral tweet has changed the fortunes of one man over a weekend and taken his empty shop into a hub for good treats.

The owner’s son, named Billy By, used the power of social media to spread the word about the shop which had just opened but didn’t have customers.

According to By he was worried about his father not attracting customers and didn’t think the tweet would go viral. 

The tweet has since been retweeted over 320 thousand times and in an update By said customers were flooding to the shop.

“Just wanted to update yall! We completely sold out of donuts and kolaches! You are all amazing. I can't thank everyone enough for coming out and supporting local businesses. This means so much to my family.”

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