The moment Bongani Urban almost fired his producer on air

The moment Bongani Urban almost fired his producer on air

East Coast Urban's producer Simon betrayed Bongani’s trust in an unforgivable way, and Bongani decided to call him out about it on air. Listen to what happened below.

Bongani Urban
Trinity Dlamini

I hold my producer in high regard. He’s one of the best I’ve ever worked with. His work ethic, passion, and intelligence can’t be faulted, but all of that doesn’t matter if I can’t trust him.

Last week a story came back to me of something he had done which could have seriously compromised everything we’ve been working towards. A lot of this played out off-air in private conversation between the two of us and I made him aware that his job with me was on the line.

Every afternoon at 15h00 we get together and prepare for that evening's show. We pick apart every topic and work out the mechanics. Last night I left a blank space open from 19:10 – 19:45, which is usually when we run our “WTF” feature. When Simon questioned what we were doing, I told him to let me do my thing and react to whatever happens.

Take a listen to what happened:

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