Students gather for fees march to Union Buildings

Students gather for fees march to Union Buildings

Students from various institutions of higher learning are gathering at Church Square in Pretoria ahead of their march for free education to the Union Buildings.

Student Fees March Union Buildings 1
Photo: Maryke Vermaak

Residents of the capital can expect traffic disruptions in the Pretoria CBD, but Tshwane Metro Police are keeping a close eye on the students.

Some of students that have already gathered are from the University of Pretoria and the Tshwane University of Technology.

Students arrived on buses, saying they expect more to show up.

The Tshwane Metro Police Department has confirmed that the march is not authorised and will be illegal.

Student Fees March Union Buildings 1
Photo: Maryke Vermaak
Student Fees March Union Buildings 2
Photo: Maryke Vermaak
Student Fees March Union Buildings 3
Photo: Maryke Vermaak
Student Fees March Union Buildings 4
Photo: Maryke Vermaak

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