Malema calls on working class to join mass march in November

Malema calls on working class to join mass march in November

Julius Malema says the EFF will lead a mass protest in Pretoria on November 2 to defend the country's democracy and the legacy of former President Nelson Mandela. 

EFF leader, Julius Malema

Malema addressed the media in Johannesburg on a range of issues - one of them being free education.

"We call on all sectors of society to rally behind the EFF's efforts of saving South Africa's democracy which is being compromised by Mr. Jacob Zuma. We call upon all workers to make sure that on November 2, they tell their bosses they will not report at work. 

ALSO READ: Malema asks for 5 years to prove EFF can govern

"We call upon all students to tell lecturers that they will not report to class. To the unemployed youth of South Africa, the shopkeepers, security guards and domestic workers - it is our turn to protect South Africa," he said. 

It's also the day the Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan will appear in court on a charge of fraud.

He says the current ANC government is not going to provide free and quality education. 

Malema says students are being forced to be violent by a violent state.

"We are proud of our students. They must continue to soldier on wherever Steve Biko, Chris Hani et al. are saluting this generation. This generation is continuing with exactly what Chris Hani fought for. There's nothing wrong with what they're doing," he said. 

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