Durban storm, wet weather in pics

Durban storm, wet weather in pics

Another storm has hit Durban and surrounds bringing much needed rain. See images shared by residents below.

Durban storm
Jason McCall

The South African Weather Services says yesterday evening's storm - that ranged from mild to severe in different parts of KZN - lasted about three hours in Durban. 

Forecaster Thandiwe Gumede says the storm lost its intensity heading towards the coast and the North Western parts of the province.

Gumede says more rain is expected in Durban for the next few days.

"Rain has fallen across the province as well as the interior. The amount of precipitation that has fallen already has seen Ladysmith at 32ml, Vryheid - 19, and Pietermaritzburg at 20ml of rain. Mooi River recorded 36ml, Estcourt - 11, Cedara - 25ml, Oribi Airport at 17 while Underberg has had 18ml. 

"We are expecting those conditions to persist for the rest of the day," she said.  

Today's temperatures are expected to range from the lower to mid 20s, with Durban sitting at a maximum of 24 and 25 degrees.  

See images shared by KZN and Durban residents below.

Nottingham Road
Louise Grieve
Nottingham Road
Louise Grieve
Nottingham Road
Louise Grieve

Pictures shared by Louise Grieve of Nottingham Road, Maritzburg.

KZN storm
Jason McCall

(Photo of Durban by Jason McCall)

Hillcrest KZN. Lots of lightning and thunder. No rain yet.

Posted by Storm Report on Sunday, February 14, 2016
Jenni Holtz

(Photo by Jenni Holtz of Maritzburg via Storm Report)

KZN storm
Hetta Smith Jacobsz

(Hetta Smith Jacobsz shared this image of Vryheid via Storm Report)

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