Kevin Hart praises Trevor Noah

Kevin Hart praises Trevor Noah

Kevin is proud of Trevor's success.

Kevin Hart image

Kevin Hart has nothing but good things to say about Trevor Noah.

The American comedian, who was the first guest on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, believes that South Africa should be "above and beyond" proud of the SA comedian, who is taking the world by storm. 

"The reason why I say that is because he's a comedian that came over to the States, that didn't try to become what he felt the States wanted to be. He's very proud of his heritage and where he comes from, and I think that's a beautiful thing."

READ: Trevor Noah on the Ellen Show 

Kevin was speaking at a press conference at MultiChoice in Randburg, ahead of the Johannesburg leg of his What Now Tour. 

He explained that Trevor's big moment was one of the toughest because everybody wanted to see the guy that's replacing Jon Stewart fail. 

"Nobody watched that to say 'oh, this is going to be amazing'. They watched it to say 'he's probably not gonna be that good', and he stood in those shoes and did an amazing job, his monologue was effecient, every word was pronounced correctly, he didn't stutter, he didn't fumble and he got laughs..."

Kevin added that he's a fan of success and people that make history.

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