KindnessCan Support Each Other - Session 1 (Trauma)

KindnessCan Support Each Other - Session 1 (Trauma)

We're living through extremely emotional and challenging times. Take a listen to KindnessCan founders, psychologist Paul Bushell and Jane Linley-Thomas, as they unpack the variety of emotions we're all experiencing at the moment in South Africa.

KindnessCan Support Each Other - Session 1
They hope to offer personal and practical ways to manage our feelings during these unsettling times. Today, Jane and Paul touched on trauma. Listen below (each day's session will be uploaded to this page so check back in tomorrow).

You can join their daily 9am Zoom sessions for free.

WHEN: 16th - 23rd July 2021 at 09H00

WHERE: Zoom Link -

Meanwhile, earlier this month Jane Linley-Thomas and Paul Bushell caught up with Cindy Norcott, founder of the Robin Hood Foundation to talk about kindness and giving in Mandela Month and beyond.

This Mandela Month, the Foundation hope to touch the lives of thousands of deserving people in KwaZulu-Natal.

Cindy highlights how we all want to be kinder in our lives, but that we sometimes feel that we don’t have enough time or what it takes to make a difference.

That’s where we get it wrong. Every act of kindness, no matter how big or small, can make a difference.

Cindy unpacks some really simple ways that we can all get involved this Mandela Day. Click below to listen.

Cindy Norcott

Explore more podcasts from the KindnessCan team in their channel below.

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