Kindness with our kids

Kindness with our kids

Life is demanding and busy, and there are moments when our children seem to bring out the worst in us. We can be impatient and short, unavailable and stressed. In your quest to be kind to yourself and your children, start by setting all of you free from the idea of perfection, advise Paul Bushell and Jane Linley-Thomas in their KindnessCan podcast.

Jane Linley-Thomas' new podcast series / Supplied
Jane Linley-Thomas' new podcast series / Supplied
Listen to episode 2 of the KindnessCan Podcast, then read more below the podcast:

By holding ourselves ransom to an unrealistic idea of the perfect parent and person, we are overwhelming ourselves. 

And, we are building the illusion that ‘perfect’ is possible for our children as well. 

READ: Jane Linley-Thomas launches new series about kindness

It’s okay to make mistakes and get it wrong. Use these moments to learn and grow together in supportive and kind ways.

We do this by role-modeling certain key behaviors – admitting when we’ve messed up, saying sorry and asking for forgiveness, brainstorming ways we could all do it better next time, taking the consequences, asking for help when we don’t know what to do.

Affirmation: I can turn regret into wisdom.

Listen to other KindnessCan episodes in the channel below:

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