Mido Macia's family welcomes cops' sentences

Mido Macia's family welcomes cops' sentences

The family of Mozambican taxi driver Mido Macia feels justice has been served following the sentencing of eight former police officers convicted of his murder.  

Mido Macia killers

Macia's death caused shock and outrage across the country after video footage emerged of him being dragged behind a police van in February 2013.  

He was later found dead in the Daveyton police station's holding cells.

Government also says justice has been served for the family. 

Spokesperson Phumla Williams says the conviction and sentence should serve as a warning to anyone who takes the law into their own hands. 

Williams says law enforcement agencies are there to protect society, saying ill-discipline will not be tolerated.

''''We want to call on all the law abiding citizens of this country to work with the government and report if they witness similar incidences where a policemen is found to be violating the rights of the citizens of South Africa.

''Colleagues are expected to hold high moral ground,'' she said.

(File photo: Gallo Images)

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