10 simple fuel saving tips

10 simple fuel saving tips

East Coast Drive has compiled a list of tips ahead of what is expected to be at least a few heavy price hikes.


The Department of Energy announced on Monday the price of petrol will rise by 52 cents a litre (c/l) for all grades, while diesel will increase by a massive 76c/l.

We have also been warned we can expect a few more similar price hikes in the coming months. 

With the rising price of fuel, comes the rising price of food and other essentials. 

So, with that said, East Coast Drive has done some research and has compiled a list of things we can all do as motorists in order to use less fuel and so doing, save money.

1. Do not drive anywhere unnecessarily

This might seem like a silly thing to say, but if you think long and hard, we're sure you could think of at least four trips you made during the last month that were either unnecessary OR that you could have walked. 

2. Keep your kitchen fully stocked

What we mean here is that in order to avoid those late-night trips to feed insatiable cravings for chocolate or those grocery shop runs to fetch a tin of tomatoes for the lasagne, try and do one big shopping trip per week. Plan your meals. Make a list. If you need something, pick it up on the way home from work. Every trip counts. Make it count.

3. Carpool

This is not a new concept, but it is something many of us refuse to consider because 'what if I need my car during the day?'. If there are three of you from the office driving the same freeway to work everyday, make a plan. Speak to each other. You could literally cut your fuel costs by at least two thirds. 

4. Keep checking your tyres

When your tyres are deflated, your car uses more petrol. It's as simple as that. When the guy offers to check your tyres for you while that liquid gold is pumping into your car, let him check your tyres! 

5. Be aerodynamic

As much as possible, keep your windows and sunroof closed. This makes your car more aerodynamic. A more aerodynamic vehicle uses a lot less petrol than you think it does.

6. Carpool

Yes, we're putting this one here again because you've either forgotten about it already or you've come up with at least two ridiculous excuses why it is not convenient for you. Don't be silly. If you're spending say, R2000 per month on petrol, you could cut this down to less than R1000 if you can find enough people. You might even make a friend or two.

7. Try to do everything in one trip

As mentioned earlier, if you need anything from the shop or need to run errands, try your best to do them all at once. A car uses more fuel during the time it takes the engine to warm up. Set reminders if you must.

8. Don't speed

Yes, drive slowly and stick to speed limit. There really is no point rushing like a lunatic to the grocery shop to buy cheese. There'll be more cheese. There should be enough cheese for everyone.

9. Lighten your load

Your golf bag that you only use once a month can sleep in the garage or somewhere other than your car boot. Take it out. That along with anything else you keep in your car just to avoid having to deal with.

10. Turn off your air conditioning

If you live in Durban, specifically, this is not always very easy to do, but it's cooler now anyway. Sometimes we don't even realise our air conditioning is on and switches on every time we start the car. Switch it off and see how you go. Sometimes we just need to calm down to cool down, and by using less fuel and saving more money, you might just find yourself calming down. 

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