WATCH: Trailer for the new Avengers movie

WATCH: Trailer for the new Avengers movie

Superhero fans, you’ve got to watch this. The trailer for the movie The Avengers: Age of Ultron has been leaked online. We’ve got it here!


Oops! Someone out there’s got fast fingers. The promo for The Avengers: Age of Ultron was only supposed to be released next week but someone leaked the trailer online a few hours ago. 

Of course the world wide web is going crazy! In this video you see Scarlett Johanassen as Black Widow, Robert Downey Jnr as Iron man, Chris Hemsworth as Thor and the dreamy Chris Evans as Captain America among others.

The bad guy, the very dark Ultron played by James Spader, is seen telling everyone that they are, "puppets tangled in strings".

The film is set to be released in May next year. Watch the trailer below and tell us what you think!

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