Rangers tease elephant

Rangers tease elephant

With all the hard work we are doing to save our wildlife, and to create safe zones for them, do we really need these types of morons at our parks? What makes it worse is they are Game Rangers!


I am not one to celebrate the loss of any human life, but sometimes we as a species behave despicably and I kind of want the animal kingdom to exact revenge.

This is a case in point. 

With all the hard work we are doing to save our wildlife, and to create safe zones for them, do we really need these types of morons running wild in our game parks?

What makes this story even worse is they are game rangers from Singita! Is this how they amuse themselves? 


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If you want more information on this story, check out Singita's facebook fan page http://www.facebook.com/singita.gamereserves

- Posted by George

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