Piers Morgan's open letter to Jeremy Clarkson

Piers Morgan's open letter to Jeremy Clarkson

Piers Morgan has penned a surprisingly heartfelt open letter to recently axed 'Top Gear' presenter Jeremy Clarkson, offering him some sound advice.


I have always been a fan of Piers Morgan and to be fair he has had his time in the hot seat - a lot like his former arch-enemy Jeremy Clarkson. 

Piers – who used to be the editor of the Daily Mirror newspaper – fell out with Jeremy around 10 years ago, after he published photos of Jeremy with a woman who wasn’t his wife. Things got so heated that Jeremy attacked Piers during the British Press Awards in 2004, hitting him in the head. 

But it seems they finally buried the hatchet after a drunken evening in a pub last year. 

And now he’s written a heartfelt letter to Jeremy, entitled: “Dear Jeremy, Your big mistake was hitting your loyal, hard-working producer, not me again. Now here's 10 things you can do to put your life back together, love Piers Morgan”, which was published by the Mail Online this week. 

Piers speaks openly about how vulnerable Jeremy seemed during their encounter in the pub last summer - and gives him some sound advice on how to deal with being sacked from Top Gear.  In his own words, Piers (who was fired from the Mirror) says he feels uniquely qualified to offer advice, being “something of an expert in the genre of being removed from high profile media jobs”. 

Among his 10 tips, Piers recommends that Jeremy turns his phone off and goes on holiday somewhere remote and hot. Also among his advice is “doing normal things again”, not slagging off his former bosses, getting fit, spending more time with his family and watching football – in particular his beloved Chelsea. 

His final word of advice is pretty funny: 10) Don't even think about launching a new career in America. Your teeth will never work over here.

Wise words, Piers. 

Shame, I hate to think of anyone having a hard time both professionally and personally. 

Even though Jeremy often came across as an arrogant so-and-so, it's usually the unkind, rude and arrogant that need love the most.

What would your advice to Jeremy be?

(Photo: Piers and Jeremy, Getty Images) 

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