Good kingfish action at Umkomaas

Good kingfish action at Umkomaas

Fishing at Umkomaas has been good over the past week.


Umkomaas - This was by far the most productive spot along the south coast this past week, with more fish being landed than most other spots. Most places between the Bluff and Umkomaas have been relatively quiet having only seen a few shad and stumpies. Umkomaas has had an excellent run of kingies over the last week, which have been caught almost entirely on bait. Live bait has been king. However, they have not turned down a well-presented chokka and red-eye bait. Grunter and stumpnose have been caught on sea lice and on chokka baits, with shad coming out on conventional shad traces.

Scottburgh - Point saw some kingies caught on artificials such as McArthy drop-shot and small spoons. Grey sharks have been landed on live baits and larger throw baits. Some nice edibles were also landed off the point over the weekend.

Transkei - Port St John's saw no fireworks, but still produced a fair amount of fish, particularly over the weekend. Some serious grey sharks were taken on large slide baits, a few hammerhead sharks on the spinning set-ups and also a few kob on chokka baits. Hole In The Wall saw anglers struggling to hold onto their rods with the amount of large sharks in the area, some up to 220kg. Raggies have been plentiful and have really helped anglers enjoy themselves with spinning outfits. Kob and smaller rock fish such as galjoen and zebrafish have been feeding well in the excellent conditions.

(File Photo: Gallo Images)

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