Student activist, Bonginkosi Khanyile appeals bail judgement

Student activist, Bonginkosi Khanyile appeals bail judgement

Fees must fall activists are hoping that a DUT student arrested during protest action will be granted bail today in the Pietermaritzburg High Court.

Bonginkosi Khanyile appeals bail judgement
Nushera Soodyal

Bonginkosi Khanyile, who was arrested over three months ago, will be appealing after he was denied bail.

Khanyile is accused of inciting violence and damage to property amongst others crimes.

Fees must fall activist, Gazuzu Nduli says like other students arrested Khanyile should be allowed to go home.

"We are hoping the judge's ruling will be partial and rational when dealing with this matter unlike the magistrate. We hope the judge will be able to listen to logic and the rule of law and release our fellow student. He doesn't deserve to have been denied bail. For goodness sake, there are criminals walking in our streets who have been granted bail," he said.

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