Little puppy's failed attempt at bike pedaling is too adorable!

Little puppy's failed attempt at bike pedaling is too adorable!

Watching this little puppy in action is bound to warm your heart!

tiny dog tries to pedal bike

As the saying goes, 'dogs are a man's best friend', and seeing this video will prove just that. 

Read: Cute or Cruel? Toddler and dog team up to raid fridge

There are plenty of videos on the interwebs showing pooches attempting to help their owners out, but you probably have not seen something as adorable as this?

Read - Warning: Do not touch this dog's birthday cake!

According to Mashable, this little puppy was seen with his owner as she was riding her bike. Not only does the puppy look super adorable and snug in his owner's pouch, but he also tries to help his owner by pedaling along.

Could this be the most helpful puppy ever?

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