Pigs can fly! Celebrity pig causes a stir on plane

Pigs can fly! Celebrity pig causes a stir on plane

It’s not every day you get to sit next to a pig on a plane, well, the non-human kind anyway.


Southwest Airlines passengers travelling from Arizona to Los Angeles two weeks ago were surprised to learn that pigs can fly – on a plane at least. 

The commuters were surprised, and excited, to spot Sammo Hog not only walking around the airport but flying with them.  

She isn’t just any hog, Sammo has her own Instagram page with over 4,500 followers.

“I'm an athlete power pig! I train with my mom @JESSIEgraffPWR and look up to other great swine like Spider Pig and Pumbaa!” her Instagram bio reads.

So did Sammo use her celebrity status to flout airline rules? Her owner Jessie Graff was able to travel with her as “an emotional support pig”.

Graff works on CBS TV show Supergirl as a stunt woman. She made headlines in August after she became the first woman to complete phase one in the finals of NBC game show, American Ninja Warrior.

Sammo and Graff created a lot of buzz on their flight, with passengers, including comedian Rich Guzzi, snapping pictures of the famous pair.

‘I sat next to a pig coming back from N. Carolina! I even took a pic to prove it!’ excited passenger Robin Foy posted on Facebook.

She shared pictures of the animal as proof of her weird encounter. 

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