SA Home Loans explained

SA Home Loans explained

Zaba spoke to SA Home Loans CEO Kevin Penwarden about how different SA Home Loans is from banks and bond originators.


If you think all home loan providers are the same, then you haven’t tried SA Home Loans.

SA Home Loans is not a bank, nor are they bond originators. 

They are SA’s favourite independent home finance provider and they provide the loan finance themselves. 

Dedicated consultants will expertly assess your unique circumstances and personally motivate your application – it’s not simply fed into a computer – ensuring every application has the best chance of success. 

And you’ll receive personalised attention and ongoing feedback throughout the process. 

So if you’re looking for a better home loan experience – make sure SA Home Loans is first on your list. 

Zaba spoke to SA Home Loans CEO Kevin Penwarden about how different SA Home Loans is from banks and bond originators.

Click below to listen.

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