NEASA to challenge mandatory blanket vaccination in workplace

NEASA to challenge mandatory blanket vaccination in workplace

The National Employers' Association of South Africa (NEASA) says it's disappointed that the National Economic Development and Labour Council's (Nedlac) made recommendations in support of vaccine mandates at workplaces. 


The Labour Council said it will take the issue to the Constitutional Court next year. 

Chief executive of the Employers' Association Gerhard Papenfus says they will intervene. 

He believes mandatory blanket vaccination is a gross violation of human rights and sets a dangerous precedent for the future. 

"However, we were expecting that despite the this recommendation Nedlac's has conceded that a mandatory vaccination policy could very well pose constitutional problems. 

"When this matter is heard in the constitutional court next year, NEASA's voice will be heard. We will be a party to those proceedings."


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