KZN share ways on how to survive during a thunderstorm

KZN share ways on how to survive during a thunderstorm

With the recent thunderstorms, Darren, Keri, and Sky have their own little issues and have asked KZN to help them with ways in which they survive the rain.

Brand new clothes on a hanger / Pexels
Brand new clothes on a hanger / Pexels

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Keri mentioned that she cannot get out of her house because her front door is waterlogged. Darren says he has wet clothes drying all over his room, while Sky says he had to leave early because there were a number of broken trees on the roads and he was worried about the damage caused.

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Sky also shared an interesting way to dry your clothes: Put your clothes on the back on the fridge where it is warm, it will take forever but at least it is something.

Listeners shared interesting ways on how they cope with the weather, all in the podcast.

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